martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

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For my assignment I had to take and extract from an article posted in my blog and analyze every part of it. I hope I don't bore you haha. I looked up the bolded words on an online dictionary.

"Of all the professions out there, I think there is no other one that can benefit from “self-branding” as much as a design professional. That is because it is a profession that is almost solely driven by talent. The equation is very simple, in design it’s not about how many certifications or affiliations you have, but what gets you ahead is the quality of your portfolio as well as your plain raw talent."

port·fo·lio \pȯrt-ˈfō-lē-ˌō\ (noun):

a: a hinged cover or flexible case for carrying loose papers, pictures, or pamphlets

b: a set of pictures (as drawings or photographs) usually bound in book form or loose in a folder

Used in a sentence:-For the job interview you'll need to turn in your curricullum and a portfolio with recent work
-I need to update my portfolio as soon as possible
-Digital portfolios are the new way to go

equa·tion \i-ˈkwā-zhən also -shən\ (noun):

a : the act or process of equating

b : an element affecting a process : factor (2) : a complex of variable factors

Used in a sentence: -Sometimes life is the equation of material wealth with happiness
-I couldn't solve that difficult equation
-College is a simple equation between studying and partying

ben·e·fit \ˈbe-nə-ˌfit\ (verb):

archaic : an act of kindness : benefaction a : something that promotes well-being : advantage

b : useful aid : help

Used in a sentence:
-Go to your english class, you could really benefit from it
-Fresh skin is just one of the benefits of milk
-I could really benefit from a good job

Decomposing and analyzing a sentence:
" in design it’s not about how many certifications or affiliations you have, but what gets you ahead is the quality of your portfolio as well as your plain raw talent"

"I think there is no other one that can benefit from “self-branding” as much as a design professional. That is because it is a profession that is almost solely driven by talent."

Nouns     Verbs     Adverbs     Adjectives    Conjuctions

So that's it, hope you had fun...I sure didn't haha.

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